
Welcome to my blog! Today, I want to share my exciting journey of joining the international program called Greenpeace and how volunteering can have a significant impact on environmental conservation. Join me on this adventure!

1. Journey to Oaxaca and Accommodation:

Recently, I had the opportunity to travel to Oaxaca, Mexico, a region known for its rich culture and stunning natural landscapes. During my stay, I chose to immerse myself in nature by staying at a beautiful eco-friendly cabin in the community of Hierve el Agua. This allowed me to be in direct contact with the environment and embrace sustainable living.

2. Climate:

Oaxaca usually experiences warm and dry weather throughout the year, with average temperatures ranging from 20 to 30 degrees Celsius. The favorable climate creates an ideal setting for outdoor activities and exploration.

3. Greenpeace: Name and Purpose:

Let me introduce you to Greenpeace, an international program with a clear mission to protect the environment and promote peace through peaceful campaigns and actions. The name Greenpeace combines "green" to symbolize the focus on environmental conservation and "peace" to emphasize a commitment to global peace.

4. Five Greenpeace Activities for Protecting the Environment:

Greenpeace is actively engaged in various activities to safeguard our planet. Here are five key initiatives undertaken by Greenpeace:

- Deforestation Campaigns: Greenpeace works tirelessly to halt and reverse deforestation worldwide.

- Climate Change Actions: The organization raises awareness and advocates for government and corporate reductions in greenhouse gas emissions while promoting renewable energy sources.

- Protection of Oceans and Marine Life: Greenpeace fights for the establishment of marine reserves and actively combats illegal and destructive fishing practices threatening ocean ecosystems.

- Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture: Greenpeace advocates for sustainable farming practices and the protection of local farmers.

- Defense of Environmental Human Rights: The program protects indigenous communities and vulnerable populations impacted by the exploitation of natural resources.

5. Three Planned Activities for My Next Trip to Oaxaca:

During my upcoming visit to Oaxaca, I have planned the following three activities to contribute to environmental conservation:

- Participating in a beach cleanup event, where I will help collect waste and raise awareness about the importance of a clean marine ecosystem.

- Joining a reforestation project, where I will plant native trees to restore degraded areas and promote carbon capture.

- Exploring the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Biosphere Reserve, home to remarkable biodiversity, to understand the importance of preserving ecosystems.


I am thrilled about the upcoming experiences and the opportunity to actively contribute to environmental conservation. Through volunteering, we can make a positive impact on our planet. Join me in this journey of exploration, learning, and making a difference. Together, we can be agents of change and protect our shared home.


Hello everyone!  Today I want to share with you my experience joining an environmental organization and participating in an incredibly enriching program.

 A few months ago, I decided to join an environmental organization called "Greenpeace México" that is dedicated to the conservation and protection of the environment.  After researching their projects and values, I felt very motivated to be part of this initiative.

 My journey to the destination was exciting and full of adventure.  I had to take a plane to the closest city to where the organization is located.  Then, I took a bus that took me through beautiful natural landscapes until I reached the nature reserve where Greenpeace México headquarters are located.

 During my stay, I stayed in a rustic cabin surrounded by lush vegetation.  The cabin was designed in a sustainable way, using recycled materials and renewable energy.  It was a unique experience to be able to live in harmony with nature and learn to reduce my ecological footprint.

 The weather in this nature reserve was simply spectacular.  During the day, the sun was shining brightly and I was able to enjoy walks on paths surrounded by trees and flowers.  At night, the sky was filled with stars and I could hear the sounds of the nocturnal fauna.  Without a doubt, it was a paradise for nature lovers.

 The environmental program I participated in was called "Reforestation for a Green Future".  The purpose of this program was to restore deforested areas and promote forest conservation.  During my time at Greenpeace México, I had the opportunity to plant native trees, learn about reforestation techniques, and educate the local community about the importance of protecting our natural resources.

 My experience at Greenpeace México was transformative.  It taught me to value and respect our natural environment, and motivated me to continue working for a more sustainable future.  Now, more than ever, I am committed to taking concrete action to protect our planet and spread the message of conservation.


Hi i havent visited New York but thank to  GREEN PEACE  you can go to new york and stay at the hotel the tuscany hotel by luxuits climate is humid continental.GREEN PEACE since it was founded in 1971 , it has worked in diferrent countries on the planet international campaigns whose objective is to a chieve a cleaner , more just and ecologically sustainable world.

The activities i did as a volunteer were 

1.I have cleaned beaches and coasts 

2.I have planed treas helps combat beforestation, improve air quality, and provides habits for wildlife

3.I have picked up trash in parks, streets and public spaces 

4. I have offered talks work shops and educational activities in schools, community centers   

5. I have localed events to make people aware of the importance of reducing recy cling and reusing 

The next 3 activities that i will do are 

Going to promote environmental awareness

Going to reduce plastic corn sumption

Going to pick up trash at a local park 
